When She Was Bad
My first book of poetry is available on my author page on the Press 53 site now!
Praise for When She Was Bad:
The poems of Gabrielle Freeman’s When She Was Bad are by turns amorous, witty, fierce, ironic and erudite, but they are always sensual and often erotic. As the title suggests, Freeman explores the promises and surprises of the human heart, and her deft free verse addresses temptations, rewards and disappointments. Her bold enquiries sharpen both her eye and her tongue, but her first collection is far from single-minded, as she makes room for owls, spider wort, Bela Lugosi, Stephen King, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Renoir. When She Was Bad is entertaining and enlightening, and with its publicationGabrielle Freeman steps onto the stage in full voice, singing true. -- R.T. Smith, editor of Shenandoah and author of Outlaw Style: Poems.