Review by Laura Sloan Patterson in NCLR
“When She Was Bad is not, however, an in-your-face shock value collection. Instead, it contemplates a far more subtle and complex space: sexuality that is both brashly revealed and furtively hidden, sometimes at the same time.”
Review by David Nilsen in Fourth & Sycamore
“[Freeman] addresses these binary assumptive options in the title poem, in which she briefly deconstructs Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s ‘There was a little girl’ and exposes it as a distillation of the virgin/whore dichotomy. She finishes the poem with these simple words: ‘Her clear-eyed knowing: / trouble.’ If the little girl in the classic rhyme was merely ‘very, very good’ or ‘horrid,’ we would know what to do with her.”
Interview in Writer's Digest
Read about my writing and submitting habits and more in this interview by Robert Lee Brewer for his Poetic Asides blog in Writer's Digest.
Randall Jarrell Prize Winner
Read about my Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition winning poem "Failure to Obliterate" in this NCWN article.